TC-1A-ENS (Extended Neck Seal) Tubing Hangers
The Sentry TC-1A-ENS tubing hanger is a threaded mandrel type tubing hanger with an extended neck. This hanger utilizes “S” type seals on its neck that are used to seal in the tubing head adapter. This hanger can be configured with interference type “S” seal or compression packing on the body to affect a annular seal. Lock down screws are used to both energize this packing as well as lock the hanger into the tubing head bowl.
- This is a solid mandrel type tubing hanger that can be installed in the top bowl of any TC style tubing head
- Has OD seals on the extended neck
- Does not require alignment in the tubing head
- Can have a compression type or interference type annular seal
- Can contain premium tubing or special landing threads
- Can contain non-continuous porting for control or instrument lines